Looking for Myself

Abdulmueed Balogun

I am looking for myself

in a room not of my heart,

lost in the jungle of thoughts

miles away from consciousness.


I say to the ears of the wind

tell me tales, not of this world,

ferry me to a land I can call home.


I am looking for myself

in a body not of my own,

lost in the forest of mysteries

miles away from the truth.


I say to the ears of the sun,

shine your light to the

answers that I seek, my

world is brimming with darkness.


I say to myself, what I want to hear:

“everything is going to be alright.”


Abdulmueed Balogun is a Nigerian Poet and an undergraduate in the University of Ibadan. He was the runner up in the Reform Naija writing contest "Freewill" in November, 2020. His poems have been published/are forthcoming in Neuro Logical Magazine, Tealight PressThe Global Youth ReviewLanke Review, Headline Press and Poetry, Fevers of Mind, and elsewhere.