don’t walk into my nightmares

Linda M. Crate

people fear what they do not know, and this is why they tried to strip me of my wildness; but i clung to every dark piece of me knowing there was value in it as much as there was value in my light—i refused to lose who i was because of what people thought i should be, i learned early on that there is a beauty in being myself and in being me; i remember when i wanted to be loved so badly that i let these girls make me over and they ended up using me and humiliating me in front of my peers and teachers—from that day on i vowed that i would always be me, i would always be weird, i would never be ashamed of who i was; and so i shed the expectations of others and truly began living—if you don't want my thorns and thistles then don't dare to walk into my forests because i cannot promise endless sunny days, my heart reacts to the energy in the room; if you are a nightmare then you will only receive the darkest days and nights—in the nights there are vampires, werewolves, banshees, and harpies hiding in the trees; and every other manner of dark monster some with names i do not know—i wouldn't walk into my nightmares, you won't come out alive.

Linda M. Crate's works have been published in numerous magazines and anthologies both online and in print. She is the author of seven poetry chapbooks, the latest of which is: the samurai (Yellow Arrow Publishing, October 2020). She's also the author of the novel Phoenix Tears (Czykmate Books, June 2018). Recently she has published three full-length poetry collections Vampire Daughter (Dark Gatekeeper Gaming, February 2020), The Sweetest Blood (Cyberwit, February 2020), and Mythology of My Bones (Cyberwit, August 2020).